I’ve just completed the final assignment for Make Art That Sells Part B, a course by top illustration-agent Lilla Rogers. I learnt so much from it and looking forward to developing some mini-collections in the coming months based on all I’ve learnt! This week was about party-paper: ie designs for paper cups, napkins and plates that you buy especially for a party. Our mini-assignment was to study folk art from Bavaria and the Ulkraine with a view to incorporating that style into our final submission.

Mariya Pryimachenko
I discovered a new hero, Mariya Pryimachenko, love all her paintings, look at the video to find out more about her:
I didn’t go all-out into the folk style but was inspired by it for the content of my drawing. Somehow I needed an alpaca to be the main character in it. I studied for this part too:
The colour palette of this Maria Primachenko painting, inspired my final piece.

Maria Primachenko, A bird is flying, her master seeking, 1986
Related Reading:
Make Art That Sells Part B- Week 4