The poster I made to get everyone to come in!

I had a brainwave to draw everyone who came into visit me at FROST Fumbally. A thought ran through my head to say that I really wasn’t good enough at portraits to do it so I agreed with that but did it anyways. It ended up being so much fun, and became a lovely and unique way of connecting with my customers – a few minutes of stillness amongst the chaos of Christmas shopping. Everyone got to keep their portraits so I just took a quick photo to keep a record.  I did just under 70 portraits in a few days. Most of the photos were good enough to do a trace in Illustrator – that’s what you are seeing in the gif above. Thanks a million for taking part if you were one of my portraitees :)



Related Reading:

FROST, Christmas pop up shop at Fumbally Exchange

Culture Night 2017 at Bí Urban

Sketch Walk Workshop at Bloom Fringe