In the forest at Body & Soul 2017
This year I went to Body & Soul for art, not music! I gave a talk on the Sunday about my work and how it’s inspired by nature in the Bord Na Móna OurLand area in the forest. All around the festival are cool installations and artwork but especially in the forest. Chris Haughton had little forest creatures around the place and he also had a virtual reality animated world where you could feed apples and carrots to deer and rabbits. Steve Simpson made a massive drawing over the course of the weekend and people were invited to help him colour it in. He let me draw a little bit on it too! I think he let all the illustrators do a bit.
So I wasn’t at all nervous and didn’t once think that I was the odd one out amongst superstar illustrators or the oscar nominated speakers like Annie Atkins or Cartoon Saloon‘s Tomm Moore who were on the same stage just after me. Oh no!
After my talk I hosted an art workshop in the adjoining stage area and met some very quiet little girls and some quite vocal ladies who all enjoyed expressing themselves creativity along the theme of trees and leaves!
Overall it was a brilliant experience, and at least I didn’t have to sing :)

Art Workshop at Body & Soul 2017

Chris Haughton installation at Body & Soul 2017
Related Reading:
Naturama Exhibition at Bí Urban, Dublin
Sketch Walk Workshop at Bloom Fringe
Graphic Design for Film, TV and Animation: workshop with Annie Atkins